Saturday, May 17, 2008

35 weeks and 2 days

Today is 35 weeks and 2 days for us. The girls are staying put and it is clear that nothing is going to hurry them out! As ready as I am for them to make their grand entrance, I know that the longer they stay in there, the better it is for them. Mind you, I am not sure that my tummy can stretch much more to accommodate them!

The nursery is all ready for them and my bag for the hospital is all packed. We have the buggy waiting for us at the store (we have heard that it is considered bad luck to bring the buggy into the house before the babies are born), and Tim will go and collect it once I am in the hospital. We also have the car seats waiting in the back of the car to be assembled. Our plan is to take them to the local police station or fire station, where they will show us how to fit them properly.

I have started to fill out the baby books for each one, so that when they are born the hospital staff can add their footprints into them for us. We want them to each have a little book of special memories for them to look back on when they are older.

My one frustration at the moment is that our main desktop computer is broken, and so I don't have access to all of our photos, which means that I can't add any right now. Tim is doing everything he can to fix it so that we are back up and running properly ASAP, and I will add some pictures of the nursery when I can.


IronTriTim said...

That Tim seems really slow at doing things.. whole list of jobs he needs to get done.

Formulaic said...

I saw that you started a blog from Tim.

Congrats on your blog and even more CONGRATS on your Twins.

Anytime now! Soon you'll have more pictures then you know what to do with.

Sheesh Tim! Get moving! What are you doing? Training?

Seriously though, it must be a HUGE balancing act between twins/work/training/everything. You guys are doing a great job!