Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm back!!

Finally, I have decided to update my blog again. The twins will be 8 weeks old tomorrow. It is going by so fast and they are growing so much! They love eating, and we have had to watch how much we feed them! They have already started to outgrow some of their clothes, but fortunately, our family and friends have been so generous with their gifts, that we have had to buy very little for them ourselves! However, nappies and formula are pretty expensive, and we are getting through so much of those!!

Emma and Caitlyn are both so wonderful - I can even forgive them when they keep me awake all night! I just look into their beautiful little faces and my heart just melts. It doesn't matter what people tell you, nothing can prepare you for how you will feel when you become a parent. It is much harder but so much more rewarding than you expect it to be.

Emma Georgina (above right) was born at 10.41 am and weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. Georgina is for my late Grandpa, George. Caitlyn Toma (left) was born at 10.43 am and weighed 6 lbs 4 oz. Toma is for Tim's late Grandad, Tom. Both girls were healthy, although Caitlyn had to be put under a UV lamp for a day, as she was a little jaundiced.
We are now starting to establish some sort of a routine, and they are now averaging about 5 hours at night, which is great. Naturally, we have the occasional step backwards from time to time, but we are making progress, which is the main thing. They are both very strong, and have been able to hold their heads up from very early on. They are very aware of their surroundings, and love to watch what is going on around them. They love their activity centres! Bath time is also fun, as they love being in the water - I think they might be swimmers, just like their Daddy!

I have recovered from my C-Section much quicker than I thought I would. I feel great and have been given the all clear from my doctor to start exercising again. This is great news, as I have entered the Susan G Komen Race For The Cure again this year, and my training starts on Monday (eek!). I ran it in 37 minutes last year, and I really hope to beat that this year. If you would like to make a donation to this very worthwhile cause, please visit my web page at: